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How to use the swing hydraulic motor correctly?
Release time:2022-12-14 Number of visits:

1、 Installation

(1) The fixed rubber support of the rotary roller line hydraulic press motor shall have sufficient bending stiffness. When the system software is affected by the working pressure, the motor is not allowed to vibrate, which is very easy to damage the motor.

(2) The input and output shaft of the motor shall be coaxial with the center line of the coupling.

(3) When the inlet and return oil of the motor are seamless steel pipes, the internal stress of the pipes shall be completely removed, and the pipes are not allowed to interact with each other on the motor. When connecting the oil drain pipe, the return oil friction resistance should be less than 0.3MPa, and the oil tank should be connected independently. Do not connect with other return oil pipes in series. If the return oil friction resistance (back pressure type) is too high, the process characteristics of the shearer hydraulic motor will be affected.

(4) Before the motor is installed and operated, fill the motor housing with clean gear oil from the two oil ports. Rotate the output shaft. If there is no abnormality, the computer can be installed.

(5) The tangential load borne by the output shaft of the hydraulic motor of the crushing bucket must not exceed the standard value, otherwise it may endanger the stability of the motor in operation and reduce its service life.

(6) When the motor is put into operation for 200h, the engine oil shall be changed and the oil separator shall be cleaned.

2、 System development

(1) The intermittent working pressure of the motor refers to the larger allowable working pressure of the motor oil inlet, and the continuous working pressure refers to the pressure difference between the oil inlet and the oil return port.

(2) It is not allowed to apply the motor at the same time under a large speed ratio and maximum working pressure.

(3) In case of interruption of operation, the motor shall not operate for more than 10% per minute.

(4) The maximum temperature is 80 ℃.

(5) The shaft sealing components selected for the rotary roller line motor can generally bear a high working pressure. However, in order to obtain a better service life and overall physical performance, it is strongly recommended that the back pressure type should not exceed 5MPa. If the back pressure type exceeds 5MPa, it is recommended to connect the leaking tubing. When connecting the leaking tubing, it should ensure that the Madane is always full of oil. In addition to maintaining a low back pressure, connecting the leaking oil pipe can also carry away the damaged pollutants in the motor and form a certain cooling effect.

(6) There should be a running in time before Magda works under full load. It is strongly recommended that the running in period should be 1 hour below 30% of the higher working pressure.

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